How To Get Accepted Into Blog Directories

Now that I’ve shown several ways to make yourself found in the blogosphere, let’s take a closer look at one of the avenues by which visitors can reach your site. Blog Directories. Trivia: Yahoo!, one of the biggest search engines, started out as a list of links maintained by its creators called “Jerry and David’s […]

Act Your Age on Your Blog!

Your blog should reflect your age. By blog I mean your whole blog: your posts, your comments (read: possible arguments with other people), your blog’s design, and the general objectives of your blog. That’s the summary of this whole post. Of course, there will be follow-up questions to that. Like “what does acting my age […]

Hello world!

Hello everyone! I’m Ia, another Blog Tutor signing on. While I’ve already head of blogging back when Blogger had URLs ending in .pyra, web design was a cinch with table layouts, and I would never have thought of paying for my own domain name and space, it would take several bouts of hesitation before I […]

Make Yourself Found! (Or, Promote Your Site Web 2.0-Style)

Blogging is much like a light—it’s meant to be seen and used by others. (I’m not condemning bloggers who prefer their own selves as company, though.) Put another way, you’re a nobody unless your name Googles well, says the Wall Street Journal.

To do this, you must make yourself found.