How Important Is Update Frequency?

There have been a lot of posts on the frequency of updating for blogs. The fact is that we all know that we have to have regular fresh content in our blogs. But does this apply to niche blogs as well? I would have to say that it does not change one tiny bit. You still have to provide new content for your niche blog – the more regular the better.

So now that we’ve established that, how often should you post on your niche blog? I have to say that there is no hard and fast rule with regard to this. Some people would tell you to post everyday. Others would say that three times a week would be enough. What do I think? I would like to update everyday if I could. I am currently starting up two niche blogs of my own. I also have work on this blog. I still have a personal blog. Aside from that, I have other freelance activities. Now you can imagine how full my schedule it and I have no doubt in my mind that most of you are in the same boat. In this kind of situation, posting everyday just might be impossible.

So my suggestion is this – set a schedule for your niche blog (or each of them, if you have more than one) and make sure you follow it. I think that three times a week would suffice. This would be enough to keep your readers coming back and at the same time give you enough time to come up with quality posts.

Does this make sense?

Originally posted on October 10, 2008 @ 3:10 pm