When You Are Short On Time

Let’s face it – one of the biggest problems that we have as writers is the fact that we often find ourselves pressed for time. This is very true for me. I have a day job which takes up most of my day and I end up trying to squeeze in some writing very early in the morning before I go to work or very late at night before I go to bed. Though this does the trick some times, I know that I could come up with better posts if only I had more time to do my writing. Over time, I have stumbled upon several good practices that help me make the most out of my writing. I thought I’d share them with you. Find a huge block of time and dedicate it to writing This could be tough if you have a very busy schedule but my way of thinking is this: if you really they are supposed to be published. (to be continued)

Originally posted on January 17, 2008 @ 2:10 am