Marketing Your Blog: The 4 Ps Continued (Promotion)

Promotion – Blog promotion is the aspect of marketing wherein SEO comes in. Search Engine Optimization is done to promote your blogs via search engines. SEO is crucial for any website since search engines are the starting point of a majority of internet users as they try to find information. This means that if you want readers to find you, then you’d better be listed among the top results of major search engines for terms related to your blog theme. Hence, the need for SEO.

Though traffic from search engines may be very important the combination of traffic from other sources are just as important so that promoting your website through other means shouldn’t be neglected. This is especially true for blogs. Since blogs are unique in that it commands a more loyal audience the main source of traffic for blogs isn’t even search engines. Search engines are a good source of traffic but you will find that joining social communities will probably increase your traffic much faster than your SEO efforts ever will. Another good way to get attention fast is to have a news site or another (more) popular blog write a story (post) about your blog and link back to you. Of course, getting inbound links is called link building, which is part of any good SEO campaign.

In my next posts I will be mentioning several ways in which you can promote your blog and how/why each method will increase your readership.

Originally posted on August 22, 2007 @ 11:23 pm