Following up on your series of posts

Writing a series of blog entries could be difficult sometimes. Why? Because you might forget to follow it up. There are times when you would write about something and you decide that it might be good to have a follow up. When could this possibly happen? Maybe when you have decided to test a new […]

Polls: a way to get reader feedback

Comments are nice because you get all sort of feedback. A lot of them are detailed ones even. But don’t you ever wonder if you could get suggestions of different kinds on your blog? Or just having people vote on it? Well, worry no more! There are plugins for making it possible, especially if you […]

Blogtipping Day

One way of interacting with others is through Blogtipping Day. What is Blogtipping? As the name implies, you give tips to other bloggers. Blogtipping mechanics First, you list down three blogs you like. Maybe you could start with some that are on your blogroll. Then, you say three good things about the blogs. It could […]

Choosing images for your blog

You are your blog. Sounds like a weird statement? Maybe it is. But if you think about it really hard, your blog reflects who you are, or a facet of your personality or your organization. From your layout, to the icons on your blog, to your avatars (if you have decided to use them), to […]

Buttons add links and pizzazz to your blog

Links are awesome because you find ways to share your favorite reads and the blogs of your friends. Sometimes you might have such long blogrolls already. On the other hand, buttons might spice up your blog and also advertise what kind of sites you like visiting or what kinds of online services you are using […]

The Growing Blogsphere. Expression in Opression

In oppressive countries, such as Iran (which shut down almost all independent newspapers in 2000), blogs have provided a way for journalists and others to express themselves and share the latest news and happenings. But speaking up in such places often has serious consequences, such as one blogger in Iraq who was jailed by authorities […]