Bloggers often narrate factual events rather than bookish type of posts. The entries in their blogs would usually be stressed in a freestyle manner, according to what the author really believes in. But of course, the need to have solid references and citations from phrases or even paragraphs borrowed will help make the entire entry all the more believable in a sense that there are supporting information coming from websites which are hyperlinked to the actual text or bullets contained in the entry.
Most bloggers know the importance of adding links and references and for aspiring bloggers, this should be noted as well. Blogs are not merely about self-proclaimed conclusions but rather something that was derived from sites and experiences that all people run in to. Blog entries are also made as reference points by most people who surf the web, and providing consistent information will be appreciated highly by the people who find such blog sites.
[tags]blog, bloggers, information, content writing, blog marketing [/tags]
Originally posted on December 23, 2006 @ 4:27 pm