For most articles and blog entries, reference or citations coming from other sites will be very useful in validating statements made in that composition. It is only normal to give due credit towards other sites that have stated bare facts and researched information to serve as supporting attributes to specific keywords and terms that viewers may not immediately understand.
As a whole, specific topics may not be immediately understood. This is why as much as possible, related articles or links that can help broaden the entire topic at hand will be useful. A good source for such references include Wikipedia and other article submission sites as well who publish useful articles of different genres and categories. The web is full of resources and it is really a matter of looking for them and properly placing them in the article, outside the reference and links portion that most people place somewhere in the article structure.
[tags]links, references, guides, hyperlinks, link exchange [/tags]
Originally posted on January 2, 2007 @ 9:08 am