You SHOULD Back Up Your Blog

What are the things that you HAVE to do when it comes to your blog? The chances are that you have these things on your list:

-write on a regular basis
-pay attention to SEO practices
-get other people to visit your blog.

But is backing up on a regular basis part of your must do list? To be honest with you, I do not really do this. When I remember to back up, I do. But I do not have a regular schedule that I follow. DON’T follow my (bad) example.

Backing up your blog is something that should be automatic. It is a practice that you should not forget, whatever happens. Just imagine, what if your server crashes? Or let’s say your site gets hacked? What will happen to all the data that you have amassed over the years? This will not be a problem if your blog is relatively new. You might be able to reconstruct your posts. But imagine losing all your data for 6 months…a year…2 years…. Now that, my friends, would be a catastrophy!

Here is how you can back up your blog if you use WordPress, courtesy of Daily Blog Tips:

1. Use an FTP client to download all the site files (the WordPress folder)
2. Log into phpMyAdmin and select your WordPress database
3. Click on “Export” and make sure that all the WordPress tables are there
4. On the “Structure” section tick “Add Drop Tables,” “Add AUTO_INCREMENT,” and “Enclose table and field names with backquotes”
5. On the “Data” section leave all the boxes unticked
6. Tick “Save as file” and download the database (you can use compression if your database is big)

Needless to say, I shall be doing this NOW.

Originally posted on January 31, 2011 @ 10:49 am