Blogging for Lateral Thinking and Managerial Enrichment

Blogging is a good hobby that supervisors and managers may want to take up. A different form of training and sharing of insights with regards to their specialization in their field, these are unsolicited inputs coming from the eyes of people who view and employ different forms of managing and leading subordinates for the overall […]

Learning from Blog Comments and Interaction

Blogging is not mainly a one way stream of blurting out the things that go around in the mind of a person. It is also about inheriting various insights and ideas from another person’s point of view that may or may not share the same belief on certain areas for consideration. Again, most blogs rely […]

The Cue from Free Blogging Sites

The best way for a person to understand on how to go about the art of blogging is to go over some sites firsthand. Studying the methods and tactics of each blog will somehow build a well-rounded idea on how blogging can become beneficial to people, not only in the financial aspect of earning through […]

Bloggers Don’t have to be Excellent Writers

While blogging has slowly been making its way as the new fad that people can do when they log on to the Internet, many apprehensions have been rising with regards to how efficient and proper a good blog should be. For the record, blogs are not meant to impress anybody. They are meant to hold […]

How To Approach Blogging

Blogging is as easy as pie. It doesn’t really take much effort for anyone to maintain a blog as long as the interest is there. The criteria for this kind of assumption is the fact that to be able to be the best in blogging, a person needs to understand that comfort is an essential […]

Using Keywords Efficiently in your Blog

All authors and bloggers should take note; repetition is different from keyword use for search engine optimization (SEO). This has been a notable strategy for most blog entries and posts, seeing particular words more than once going to the extent of making the entire blog entry useless and senseless. While some of the probloggers know […]