More Blog Marketing Ideas

Continuation of Blog Marketing Ideas 4. Join Memes – Blog chockful of memes can be iriitating to some readers but meme communities are usually very large and generate tons of traffic. Memes are also great for fillers especially when you don’t really feel like blogging that day. Of course since memes topics are given the […]

My Opinion on Link Baiting

Because of this post on Guru’s post on succesful link baiting it came to me as an idea that there is also one form of link baiting which I do often. I post exagerated articles like this for example : A Day without Coffee at the QuickStop. I know , I exagerated a bit but […]

The Fall of Article Directories

One way you can promote your blog is by submitting articles to article directories. However, this method might not do much good for your blog or website. A few years back submitting an article to ezinearticles or some other big article directory did wonders for ones page rank. However, anyone who’s been using this technique […]

Benefiting from Article Syndication

Though article syndication is not that encouraged anymore and is even viewed by many as totally not worth the effort, there are still some advantages one can get by submitting articles. Note though that for article syndication to be beneficial you should heed the following advice: 1. Write great articles – As always content is […]

Techniques to Learn from the Probloggers

There are various approaches and techniques towards blogging. It has been preached that anyone can take up this new gift of technology but no one has an idea of what it can give them in return. It can give them a means of honing their grammar, build their confidence level and share to the world […]

Voices Carried Thru Blogging

Blogging has been getting quite some attention lately and the bottom-line of it all is the fact that blogging holds a lot of what a person holds in his mind, mostly expressions he or she holds back most of the time. There is no question that most people hesitate to let their voices be heard, […]