Blog First, Think of Earnings Later

If there is one obvious thing that gets people to blog is the fact of reading various articles that blogging can help residual income to people whom have taken up the practice professionally and full-time. While this is true, this should not be the immediate purpose since doing so will only pressure and produce useless […]

How To Post Your First Blog Entry

Newly opened blog sites will often be an exciting experience for bloggers since the immediate thing that comes to mind is on what the first blog would be on the site. The first post is not expected to make an immediate impact towards the reader base to which it was meant for. Rather, it is […]

Blogging to be Different

People who blog will always have something different to share. Specializing in a certain category will bring out the best in most bloggers since they are actually focusing on something that many people would love to know about. It is never a good thing to be in a dispersed type of a style where a […]

What Do Readers Expect from Blogs?

Relevant information over the web will always be the first thing put into consideration when people need to gather data and pertinent information regarding a certain issue or subject matter. Rather than searching the usual newspapers and known reference materials such as the World Atlas and Encyclopedias, search queries over the web are preferred for […]

Blogging Daily or Alternately

It has been a belief that the regularly a blogger would update his site, the better chances that it can be optimized and included in visitor hits. While such is true, the essence still lied in the quality of the blog entry made to the site. It is not merely about entering something for the […]

Being a Blogger by Example

Newbie bloggers do not always have to worry about having to learn from the probloggers today. For one thing, new bloggers are the torch bearers to which future bloggers will make a benchmark. Hence, a blogger is not expected to become a pro overnight. Just like the probloggers today, they too will have to toil […]