Benefits of Guest Posts

In my last post Beating the Blog Rut I neglected to mention another way of making sure that you still have entries even when you are having a writer’s block – having guest bloggers. Asking friends and colleagues to write one or two posts on your blog is actually very advantageous and will benefit you […]

Niche Blog Content: News Blogging

What do you think news blogging entails? Does it mean that you would have to write as a journalist does and present breaking news in your blog? If that thought worries you, you’ll be glad to know that when I say news blogging, I mean something else. If you remember, we are talking about finding […]

When is Personal too Personal for Blog Use?

Blogs are essentially personal in nature. Bloggers can put just about anything they want in their site. Some even touch on the most intimate details of their lives to the great interest of their readers. Although this happens in practice, bloggers who seek legitimate online presence should be more selective of their post contents. Normally, […]

How to Write a Successful Blog

A blog is actually an interactive journal online. The content may vary from one topic to another. You can write your own opinion or write what you know and share them to the public. But what people are doing nowadays is use blogs and articles to promote their product, services or even themselves as a […]

Beating the Blog Rut

Bloggers are very familiar with the blog rut. There are days when you simply can’t think of anything to write. This is where Jimmy’s series of posts on Tips On Coming Up with Topics (I, II & III) comes in very useful. However, for themed blogs there are those days when there doesn’t seem to […]

Deriving Blog Post Ideas From Popular Culture

Blogging is supposed to be fun. At least that’s the idea many bloggers start out with. Then the inevitable happens. You run out of ideas. You feel as if you were gasping for air. If you do not do anything about it, pretty soon, you will feel as if blogging were a chore. If things […]