Write To My Blog

writetomyblogAre you used to having a word processor when you type down your thoughts? Have you been using one and having weird issues with the way your entries are formatted? You could try out this online word processor for your blog. It is called Write To My Blog.

What is Write To My Blog?
It is a free wordprocessor for your blog. You just use it. It won’t save any of your log in information. It is said to work in all major blogging services and you could even post to multiple blogs using it. A really nifty tool for you guys. For those who are using WordPress and do not like the user interface of the visual rich editor much or maybe you think that you are still quite limited using that or Blogger’s rich text editor, this could be the solution for you. It even has a spellchecker that you could toggle in case you feel like it.

Each of us has different quirks when it comes to drafting blog entries. There are some who prefer manually adding html tags to their posts instead of using word processors. There are those who would rather do everything in WYSIWYG editors. Some think that they are not ‘geek‘ enough for html tags so they prefer the latter option and they might benefit a lot from this WriteToMyBlog app. It allows multiple postings all at the same time so if you have multiple blogs and you’d like to post the same thing to all of them, you could easily do it using this online wordprocessor. After all, you might want to cross-post on your travel group blog about the food you have tasted when you went to Africa. These are things you might post a lot on your personal blog but decided to share it on other blogs you contribute to.

Head over to WriteToMyBlog to check it out. You would not want to miss this chance of trying out this tool. After all, you might find the blogging word processor for you 😀


Originally posted on December 1, 2006 @ 6:55 am