How to Blog BIG

In a world of a billion blogs, there’s a good chance that your corner of the Web will go unnoticed.  If you are lucky enough to attract readers, you are going to want to make a strong impression to make sure they come back for more.  One way to do this is to immediately establish your blog as the authority of its niche.  One way to do that is to blog BIG. Here are a few tips to grow…

USE THE PLURAL FORM. Your blog might be a venue for you to rant and rave, but use the singular tense, and die alone.  Words such as ‘we,’ ‘us’ and ‘team’ automatically make your blog a company. Kinda.

FAKE COMMENTS. It’s not good karma, and it’s ethically questionable, but no comments will put you out of business before you hang the ‘Grand Opening’ sign.

BIG PRIZES. ‘Enter today for your chance to win $1,000,000!’ The key word being ‘chance.’  A clever usage of this tactic I stumbled upon was at The Website is giving away a million dollars, when and if they make that money via advertising.  Likely never, but it got me to click over.

LESS CLUTTER. If you want to appear BIG, you can’t look desperate.  Sidebars littered with cheesy ‘make money at home’ ads will do zero for your credibility.

GUEST BLOGGERS. This sends a message that you are ‘connected,’ hopefully getting people to return in the future.

What are your tips to blog BIG?

Originally posted on March 8, 2008 @ 1:17 am