Where Do You Get Your Inspiration?

There is no doubt about it – writing can be hard work. Of course, there are times when the words and ideas just flow fluidly from your brain to your word processor but I cannot count the times when I just got stuck. For one reason or another, I simply couldn’t squeeze enough creativity out of my brains. I ran across this post that talks about ways to find inspiration for writing. It is not solely centered on blogs but I do believe that the concepts still apply. This inspired me to come up with a list of my own, which, when I finished it, turns out to be quite similar. Here goes.

Read other blogs.
This is the first on that list I was talking about. I think this goes for all of us – I don’t know about you, but I am very much interested in what others have to say and what they think. This drives me to express myself as well – maybe react to their ideas or branch off in another direction.

Dig into your old magazines.
I have tons of magazines at home. From foodie magazines to car magazines to home improvement – I didn’t realize that I had so many but when I did, I also found out that I could find a lot of ideas in those old pages! Of course, the content of some magazines may not be appropriate for certain blogs – it depends on the topic of your blog. So if I were you, I’d get my hands on magazines related to your blog topic. You just might be surprised at the amount of inspiration you can find.

Originally posted on March 4, 2008 @ 4:40 am