Stress-Free Blogging

Managing Your Time A very important part on your blogging is setting a reasonable schedule and good time management for posting, commenting on other blogs, moderating and responding to the comments left on your blog, reading feeds, checking your stats, and lots more. Setting up a schedule and sticking to it will keep you from […]

Niche Blog Content: News Blogging

What do you think news blogging entails? Does it mean that you would have to write as a journalist does and present breaking news in your blog? If that thought worries you, you’ll be glad to know that when I say news blogging, I mean something else. If you remember, we are talking about finding […]

Creative Writing: How To Get Started

In my last post, I talked about the role of creative writing in blog writing. We have a comment from one of our readers, Nancy, which I think warrants mention in this follow up post. She emphasizes the importance of achieving a balance between creative writing and informative writing. So as you try your hand […]

What First Impression Does Your Blog Give Off?

First impressions last, or so they say. To be fair, first impressions do not always stand the test of time. There are times when first impressions are false and perceptions change through time. But then again, when talking about your blog and new readers, would you take the risk of not converting a first time […]

What If You Hate What You Blog About?

The basic premise in blogging, I believe, is that you blog because you want to. As such, you should blog about things and topics that you actually care about. Why blog if you hate what you are blogging about? After all, who is forcing you to remain as a blogger? There are some special cases, […]

More Kinds of Content for Your Niche Blog

In the previous post we talked about using the news as content for your niche blog. It really is a good way to come up with content as you can never really run out of news – something new happens each and every day. Are there other ways you can come up with content for […]