Blog Marketing Ideas

There are so many ways you can promote your blog. Here are some of the easiest ways you can promote yours.

1. Email Signature
– Put your blog URL in your email signature. Of course, the feasibility of this will depend on the nature of your blog and the people who you correspond with thru email. You wouldn’t want to put your personal blog on your signature on your company email although your tech blog or business blog might be appropriate.

2. Link Love – Link to other bloggers on your entries. This way the blogger who you link to will see you link and check out your blog. Even if the blogger links back or not you will still get a little traffic out of it. You can also add other blogs you really like on your blogroll. This usually flatters the blogger on the blogroll to put you in their own blogroll or at least mention you in a post or two.

3. Comment
– Comment on related blogs. Though not all comments need to be really substantial, corny or boring comments will probably get you zero traffic if you comment in really popular blogs. However, if you comment frequently enough (not spamming!) chances are regular commenters, as well as the blogger, will eventually check out who you are. Commenting on blogs that do not have too much commenters, whether your comment is really cool or not, is almost a surefire way to get the blogger’s notice.

to be continued…

Originally posted on September 17, 2007 @ 11:09 pm