Image: onlineincometeacher
There is so much to consider about blogging that no one can ever say that he or she has finally learned everything there is to learn about it. It is a continually evolving activity that may say one thing is right one minute and then wrong by the next. This is because there is no one clear path to successful blogging and bloggers usually learn along the way.
Experienced bloggers would tell about the need to learn specific things. These would usually include writing well, getting traffic and subscribers, and learning the technical side of blogging. These three are more or less the basic requirements if bloggers wish to be productive in the blogosphere.
The tenets of writing well are pretty basic. Good grammar, appropriate tone of writing, relevant topic, and right information combined should result to a well written article. Mastering the use of social networking should take care of needed traffic and regular subscribers. Of course there will be a need to have one’s presence felt in various social networking platforms that can provide an audience reach beyond family and friends.
The technical side of blogging requires more study as in relation to the usual meaning of the word. Serious blogging requires a more comprehensive understanding than merely installing a blog since there will definitely be a desire to customize it. Customizing a blog not only seeks to project a blogger’s desired image but also makes the blog more attractive to the target audience.
Fortunately, there are free tutorials offered online as well as online training courses which when learned can ably assist bloggers to achieve their goals. Bloggers should consider looking into courses in HTML, CSS Photoshop, JavaScript, and SEO.
Originally posted on January 22, 2013 @ 3:38 pm