The Value Of Stat Tracking

After over a month’s worth of SEO-goodness brought to you by the able writers of Blog Tutorials, you’ve probably enjoyed a considerable benefit of increased hits, incoming links and blog revenue from sponsored advertisements. Since it’s always better to give a current endeavor your best shot instead of being half-hearted with things, it will be […]

Quantcast: Pushing Analytics Further Or Too Far?

Aside from Performancing’s Pmetrics, one interesting new tool that could help bloggers and web developers in understanding their audience is Quantcast. Quantcast is basically a site that provides the service of snooping into your demographic at a level that has never been even been explored in mainstream blogging. Aside from knowing what browsers your readers […]

Perception Manipulation: More On Statistics

Numbers are very powerful little buggers. Make them eye-popping enough and you can make people swing one way. We see this phenomenon happen a lot in pre-election surveys, TV show ratings and other studies that supposedly reflect the preference of individuals regarding different issues. In blogging, it’s also possible to harness the oh-so-human reaction to […]

On-The-Go Online Image Editing

Unless you’re a barnacle, bloggers don’t stay in one place for long periods of time. If you’re unfortunate enough to not have a laptop everywhere you go, you may end up opting to blog using work stations in computer rental shops that may not have the image editor of choice. Luckily for us already unlucky […]

You Are A Brand (Part 2 of 2)

In the first part, we tackled the finer points of consumer behavior in the blog perspective. For this installment, we shall be discussing the traits that most readers look for in blogs. Different kinds of blogs will obviously attract and cater to different types of readers so it is important that a blogger is sensitive […]

To Snap Or Not To Snap

Several months ago, someone figured that making small preview windows of outgoing links on your blog was a good idea. At face value, there seems to be some credence to the concept. With such an application, one can easily see what you’re about to visit! That’s a good thing, right? It’s no different from testing […]