How Important Is Your Template?

For my personal blog, I joined this web site wherein you generate traffic by visiting other blogs. The idea is that you review other web sites and they do the same thing. It is a fair exchange, I think. You get to discover other blogs and you also receive feedback that can help you improve […]

Are Suffering From Blogging Blues?

We all know what it means to have the blues. Every so often, we feel down and out, as if we didn’t have the motivation or strength to go on. This could be about life in general, this could be about work, this could even be about blogging. I have heard of people who have […]

Learning From Your Successes

I remember writing a post some time ago about learning from your mistakes. Come to think of it, this is the maxim that most people think of when they want to improve something in their lives. They go back in time and examine what went wrong, learn from that incident, and then move on to […]

Do You Fear To Speak Your Mind?

There is nothing to fear but fear itself. This is one of my favorite quotes, even if I am not so sure who said it first. I like how it gives me the courage to do what I want to do, knowing that at the end of the day, there is really nothing to fear. […]

Keeping Your News Fresh

There comes a time in a blogger’s life when he simply cannot find topics to write about. What happens then depends on the blogger. He can either not write at all or he can rehash old topics. I have nothing against old topics as long as there is some new twist or angle that is […]

Are You A Blogging Addict? (Part 2)

In the last post, we took a look at something that a blogging “addict” may obsess about – the number of subscribers. Well, here’s another thing that someone with an intense desire for blogging can obsess about – statistics. To be honest, I have gone through this phase a couple of times in my blogging […]