The Value Of Stat Tracking

After over a month’s worth of SEO-goodness brought to you by the able writers of Blog Tutorials, you’ve probably enjoyed a considerable benefit of increased hits, incoming links and blog revenue from sponsored advertisements. Since it’s always better to give a current endeavor your best shot instead of being half-hearted with things, it will be […]

Can Blogging Make You Smarter?

Experts say we write for two main reasons: 1. First, and most obvious, we write to communicate with others. 2. We write for ourselves, to clarify and stimulate our thinking. Most of our writing, even if we are published authors, is for ourselves. It is often difficult for us to hold more than one thought […]

PRESENCE is the new black

To have the blogger’s mindset is to analyze and think about the best ways to present, initiate and encourage discussion on ideas that may first appear as irrelevant together and not worth thinking over. In the months I started pushing web content, I unconsciously developed a rather anal-retentive process as to which ideas make their […]

Do You Have Blogorrhea?

Bloggers who write detailed accounts of their lives tend ramble on about the littlest details. Sometimes they’re juicy (what you did during a weekend getaway with—oops!), sometimes they’re a tad too colorful (how you won a hotdog-eating contest and had an appendectomy in the same day). You don’t mind, since it’s unbelievably soothing to write […]

Who Clicks Them Anyway?

We all know that Google AdSense holds a huge potential that is waiting to be tapped as far as monetization goes. In Brix’s previous article, he tackled the basic game plan on how to make money off Adsense. My colleague was right in stating that the basic idea is to: 1) get visitors to go […]

You Are A Brand (Part 1 of 2)

If you’re a blogger whose main objective is to achieve a certain level of popularity and celebrity status, it is imperative that you view yourself (and your blog) as a brand. Just like in any field, clients and customers will go to the institutions and venues that would cater to their needs. This will be […]