Google OKs Underscores as Word Separators in URLs and More SEO Tips

Still wondering if you should use dashes or underscores in your permalinks? Worry no more; Google considers both as legitimate word separators. This was announced by Google geek Matt Cutts at WordCamp 2007 yesterday among several other pearls of SEO wisdom he dished out to the WordPress crowd. Originally posted on July 24, 2007 @ […]

Protect Important Folders in your Blog

Bill Hartzer’s recent post reminds us to mask some of the more sensitive spots in your blog. Although this is only applicable to self-hosted blogs, I think everyone will benefit from this tip of keeping your blog secure. It’s another one of those tasks we should do habitually but often forget. Here’s how it works: […]

Tweaking your blog’s HTML? Avoid these horrible tags!

If you’ve been blogging for sometime now, you would have tinkered with HTML several times of already. In fact I’ve shown how you can use several HTML tags to make your posts more readable. The bad news is, HTML has a dark side: it has tags and attributes that are not very useful or meaningful […]

MovableType 4 Beta Released and Goes Open Source!

SixApart has just announced the release of MovableType 4 Beta. Many have known MT as the definitive blogging software that has forever changed the way people blog. Beyond WordPress Those who are well-versed with the history of blogging will know that the boom did not start with WordPress. The first wave came with MovableType. Few […]

Are Your Blog Visitors Too Lazy To Comment? Try ClickComments

Blogs are nothing without the communities surrounding them. Listing your blog in directories and other social sites, as well as linking and trackbacking to get noticed may be good and all, but without reader feedback in the form of comments, you’re essentially talking to the wind. The good news is, it’s not always your fault. […]

Are Link Trains the Chain Letters of the Blogging Age?

You’ve probably seen several versions of a link train meme going around the blogosphere. Whether it’s supposedly optimized for certain web applications (e.g. Alexa version 1 & version 2, Technorati, MyBlogLog, Bloglines) or requires some other qualifier (viraltags, your name in your domain name, tech sites only, feed URLs, Z-listers only!), this method of sharing […]