Bloggers often narrate factual events rather than bookish type of posts. The entries in their blogs would usually be stressed in a freestyle manner, according to what the author really believes in. But of course, the need to have solid references and citations from phrases or even paragraphs borrowed will help make the entire entry […]
Writing a series of blog entries
Have you thought of writing a series of blog entries? What kind of series have you been thinking of writing? It might not always be easy to write them because some people actually write them by chance. There are times when there are things that you want to write about and it would seem as […]
Checking out style.css on your WordPress blog
If you have a WordPress blog, you could easily customize it and look like a pro 😉 You have to know where to look and what to tweak. Today let’s take a quick look at the style.css file of your WordPress theme. How to locate your style.css file From the Dashboard go click Presentation then […]
Start blogging: Overcome your shyness!
Feeling shy? Don’t be! Even if you are not confident with your writing skills, you can start blogging. I have friends who tell me that they know other people who began blogging with almost no knowledge of it, of html and css. Now their acquaintances are blogging comfortably. So what does that mean? You can […]
Add a favicon to your blog
It is great to have your blog as something distinct from the rest of the other blogs in the blogosphere. Be it in the way it looks via the template or the way you converse with your readers, there’s something about a blog that exudes the aura of the person behind it. And there are […]
Having an offline copy of WordPress
If you have a blog powered by WordPress, don’t you wish that sometimes you could play around with the layout? Or maybe test some plugins somewhere just to make sure they would be fine before you put them up on your blog. Maybe you’re a problogger wannabe and you would like to improve your blogging […]