Writers’ block dragging you down?

Every once in a while people experience what is called the writers’ block. Tough life, isn’t it? But it does happen. Have you had one yourself? If not, good for you. But if you have, how did you deal with it? Some things to help you get writing when suffering from the so-called writers’ block: […]

Writing blog entries for fun

More often than not, April Fool’s is when bloggers have a lot of fun on their blogs. They experiment with topics or writing styles so that they could fool their readers. Maybe you have done that before, maybe not. But there are fun things you could do: Play around with words. Some people write a […]

Simple Tips From The Experts

Want some advice from the most successful bloggers today? Read on and learn! Topic 1. Write about something you are passionate about, or at least interests you. It could be your work (be cautious here though as more people are getting fired for inappropriate blogging on work), your daily life or even a hobby. Be […]

Regular frequency in posting blog entries

Blogs are more or less the chronicles of an individual or even a collective. Sometimes people just stumble upon our respective blogs. Don’t you feel good when you have some comments? Especially from readers who say that they read your blog regularly. In any case, regularly posted blog entries are not so bad. It is, […]

Blogging responsibly (part 1)

When you blog, it is inevitable that you end up writing about too many things. That is why some say a person has ‘over-blogged’ when that happens. Too much information is another phrase. This sometimes happens when a person is ranting. Or sharing his/her reflections. No wonder some people get fired for blogging. In offices, […]

What are wikiblogs?

Wikiblogs are hybrids of blogs and wikis. Wikis are sites that you could easily edit and let others edit as well. Some people actually use wikis as blogs because they do post chronologically. Sometimes wikiblogs are also called ‘blikis’ (a shorter term). What’s the deal? Wikis are easily edited. You could easily create different pages […]