Add a favicon to your blog

It is great to have your blog as something distinct from the rest of the other blogs in the blogosphere. Be it in the way it looks via the template or the way you converse with your readers, there’s something about a blog that exudes the aura of the person behind it. And there are […]

Start blogging: Overcome your shyness!

Feeling shy? Don’t be! Even if you are not confident with your writing skills, you can start blogging. I have friends who tell me that they know other people who began blogging with almost no knowledge of it, of html and css. Now their acquaintances are blogging comfortably. So what does that mean? You can […]

Having an offline copy of WordPress

If you have a blog powered by WordPress, don’t you wish that sometimes you could play around with the layout? Or maybe test some plugins somewhere just to make sure they would be fine before you put them up on your blog. Maybe you’re a problogger wannabe and you would like to improve your blogging […]

Creating your home.php quite easily on WordPress

If you have been thinking of using WordPress as a CMS aside from a blog, or if you just want a static front page on your blog, it’s not difficult. There are actually at least two easy ways to go about this. Method 1: You could try using plugins for the job. One of them […]

Adsense and plugins for your blog

Sample of what ad rotator would look like on the admin panel. There are several ways you could add the Google Adsense code on to your blog. Noting the limitations that Google has set for its users (so that the service will not be abused!) you have to make sure that you know where to […]

What is a blogroll?

This is an example of a blogroll. On today’s blog entry, the focus would be blogrolls. What is a blogroll? It is a list of blogs. You typically see it on the sidebar, that or on a separate page. Why should you put up a blogroll? There are different reasons people put up blogrolls. One […]