Get a Hook For Your Blog

If you want to build traffic for your blog, you need to have some sort of hook, some sort of reason for people to keep coming back. In the warblogging world, that usually means you need to either be a “linker”, a “thinker”, or run a “theme” blog. “Linkers” are blogs like Instapundit, Daily Pundit, […]

Finding Your Niche

Although it is much easier not to constrain yourself to a specific theme every single week, when it comes to blogging, creating a niche is essential. Blogs that do not have themes just don’t have a chance at success since readers come back for a reason – to read something they are interested in. It […]

Initialisms DUH?

We live in an SMS world nowadays. Everywhere you go you’ll see people on their phones – not making calls, but texting. With the popularity of texting (and chatting) it is no wonder that initialism has boomed. If you’re wondering what initialism means it is simply abbreviating phrases by using the first letter of each […]

Opinionated Blogger = Successful Blogger?

One of the most important things to realize if you want to be a successful blogger is that you need to have a mind of your own, know your take on things, and be willing to let the world know what it is you think. If you are a blogger that only keeps on rehashing […]

The importance of making static pages for your blog

If you are using WordPress, you can have static pages. What are static pages and what can you use them for? Static Pages These are pages that are more or less stay as they are. They are more often than not pages that contain the information that you would like your visitors to have access […]

Self Revelation And Blogging

Remember my post on being too personal in your blog (if there is even such a thing)? Apparently, this line of thinking has also hit other bloggers. It is not just me who has been wondering about personal stuff in blogs. Andrew G.R. over at The Blog Herald wrote something similar early last month. He […]