WHEN Writing and AFTER Writing

Now that we’ve discussed about writing from my previous post Just write it! anything that comes into mind, now here are the do’s and don’t when writing and after writing. Avoid These WHEN Writing – Spell check: Ignore the red-underlined words. – Dictionary / Thesaurus: Resist yourself from always looking for a “better” word. – […]

Just Write It!

When stumped, and having restrictive flow in your brain here’s what you need to do… Just Write, then Edit later, whatever ideas come into mind just write it and save it as draft you can go back to it anytime. Sometimes, it’s so difficult to finish a blog post of 150 to 200 words, with […]

Search Marketing Expo – SMX West Registration Details

If you are interested in learning more about search marketing and would be somewhere near California this last week of February you’d better take the opportunity to attend the Search Marketing Expo. This year’s SMX West has something to offer to everyone from newbies in the search scene to experts. Newbies get to participate in […]

More Writing Tips to Help Increase Your Productivity

I was just thinking about productivity again – this is the term I hear left and right at the office. My manager reminds every week to send in our productivity reports. Everyday, we have to show how productive we are. As such, when it comes to my writing, I keep thinking that I have to […]

How to Avoid Procrastination

Procrastination is a common problem of all people, in particular, bloggers. Sometimes, we get lost in our research and end up surfing the net for things that are totally unrelated to what we’re supposed to write about. Other times, we just put off writing altogether. Now here is the question that baffles my mind. How […]

Blogging For A Cause

Anyone can come up with a blog these days and he or she can do anything with it. A person can even have more than one blog to call his own. Yet have you ever really thought about the reason that you blog? It is sad to see a lot of people hearing things about […]