Blogging Is Good For Kids!!

Here are seven reasons why blogging is good for your kids-: 1. Responsibility/Commitment – Daily Posts Regular updates require children to be disciplined and responsible. 2. Communication – Increased Communication with Friends and Relatives Blogging or journaling gives children the opportunity to connect with relatives who might live some distance away, communicating important timely issues. […]

Regular frequency in posting blog entries

Blogs are more or less the chronicles of an individual or even a collective. Sometimes people just stumble upon our respective blogs. Don’t you feel good when you have some comments? Especially from readers who say that they read your blog regularly. In any case, regularly posted blog entries are not so bad. It is, […]

Top Ten Blog Writing Tips

Here are a handful of blog-writing tips from people experienced in writing for online magazines. Write with the reader in mind. Remember WIIFM? It’s marketing jargon for What’s In It For Me? That’s what you should be keeping in mind. Your reader will read your post looking for what’s in it for them. Make it […]

Blogging responsibly (part 2)

Other considerations when it comes to blogging responsibly: Check the information. You might have gotten some information from other people and they passed it off as facts. If it is something that would shake the blogosphere, make sure that it is based on facts. It is better to do that than to be known as […]

Themes on your blog and making sure they work

Using themes and templates on your blog could be fun. You get to experiment on what your blog will say about you in terms of its style and colors. There are many themes and templates to choose from. There are other things to consider though. One of them is that they work. Here are some […]

Getting Traffic To Your Blog. Part 1

A pretty large number of bloggers who, in all honesty run some above-average to brilliant blogs all have the same complaint – “Why aren’t people coming??” After some research on this, we’ve come up with some tips that may just get the traffic coming to your space. Here they are: 1) Get permalinks working. Dump […]