Loving the Link Love

How much do you link to other blogs and websites? Spreading link love is, I think, like good karma. As they say, “What goes around, comes around.” If you spread link love you might not see immediate results but it DOES help your blog in several ways. 1. Ups your user-friendliness – Blogs that mention […]

Blogging Rewards

As a blogger what rewards do you get from what you are doing? Obviously lots of pro-bloggers do what they do for the monetary rewards and/or reputation building. But is this the only thing that you’ll get from blogging, and more importantly are these the valuable things you’ll get out of blogging? I would be […]

Tips on Promoting Your Blog

All right, so your blog is up and running and you have content on it. Now how do you bring people in to look at your blog? Here are a few suggestions, mostly taken from, “The Guide To Promoting Your Web Page” Buying Advertising: The average person can’t afford to buy a massive advertising campaign, […]

Search Rank Drop and False Alarms

Happy Holidays! What are the chances of someone being concerned about their blog’s search ranking dropping on Christmas Eve? I have no idea but then again if I’m writing about it right now then there’s probably someone somewhere around the world doing SEO at this very minute. If you have experienced a sudden drop in […]

Microblogging or Good Old Traditional Blogs

The rise of Twitter, the most popular microblogging site nowadays, has of course helped microblogging itself come a long way – from mere short posts to get in touch businesses and organizations has found ways and is continuing to find ways to make use of and benefit from microblogging. But what is microblogging and how […]

Self Revelation And Blogging

Remember my post on being too personal in your blog (if there is even such a thing)? Apparently, this line of thinking has also hit other bloggers. It is not just me who has been wondering about personal stuff in blogs. Andrew G.R. over at The Blog Herald wrote something similar early last month. He […]