2007 was good, and I know 2008 will be GREAT!

It’s the night before New Year and as is the tradition for most people to make resolutions, I’m making New Year’s blog resolutions of my own. 🙂 I think that blogging as a craft has to be perfected over time, and there is always room for improvement. I think that the same tenacity that one […]

Blog Monetization Trends and How You Can Duplicate These 2: US and European Blog Scene

While we are on the subject of blogging trends and how you can maximize earning from your blogs, I just want to share my observations on the blogging scene in the US and Europe, as I’ve seen so far. Locally, blogs are not regarded as an authoritative source of information. On the contrary, in the […]

My Blogging Pet Peeves

Like anything else in life, in the blogging world, there are pet peeves. I’m sure you have them, like I do. While writing posts for this blog, I saw this comment that led to a “scraper site”. You know, those blogs that scrape content from other people because the said blog is run by some […]

My {Dummy} Elementary Analysis on the Google Ad System :p

Warning, this is a Dummy(GeekGurl)’s elementary analysis of the Google Ads system. Feel free to correct me. :p Of my favorite things about Google, it must be the Google Ads system that made me most impressed about Google as a company. Though Yahoo has Yahoo! Search Marketing, it has never approached the relevance and the […]

Blog Monetization Trends and How You Can Duplicate These 1: Philippine Blogosphere

In our world where the trickle of cents could translate to dollars, there are so many tips, tricks and strategies in order to get traffic to your site to keep those adsense credits coming. There are SEO tricks that are clean, and there are those that are downright “black hat”. I’ve been bloghopping over the […]

My Blogging Habits

Blogging is essentially writing, only that it’s an Internet-based medium, and you have the option to give a little link lovin’. :p Plus, you get to format your post on your own, and if you have your own blog, you get to format it yourself, blahblahblah. Today’s post will be about my personal blogging habits. […]