Use Image Attributes to Boost Your Blog’s SEO

When properly used, images can help your blog’s search engine optimization. You’ll need to pay attention to two attributes/HTML tags: alt and title.

Technical Words May Dismay Your Blog Audience

Anyone who blogs is out to impress people. The use of deep-meaning words, technical adages, and uncommon terminologies may be appreciated in some ways. But they can also be a means of turning away the blog reader class you may cater to for the reason that they are too hard to understand. One thing about […]

The Language of Blogging

Simply put, blogging is the simplest form of being able to explain and stress issues, topics and views in the eyes of people as they see it. If we all recall our early education days, it can be typified to a reaction paper to which we are given something to read and understand initially. Afterwards, […]

Why Images Can Spice Up Blog Entries

Although it is not a required practice, images can help boost the message of blog entries, assuming of course that they cover the whole essence of the blog entry being made. Relevance of images have made the entire entry manageable and understandable and such practice is something that has been done by most probloggers active […]

Maximizing Stock Photography

Stock photography is the general term for photographs that are readily found in repositories whether in the real world or over the internet … there are literally millions of stock photos in the internet and there are a lot of sites that give them out for free. Those sites who charge for their service often compensate photographers and artists for use of their images.

Blog within Your Comfort Zone

Many people take up blogging for a purpose. People blog to share insights, talk about issues and topics and about things where they are good at. However, today people have seen blogging more than just pure freedom of speech. It has become a weapon to make assaults towards issues as well, something that has triggered […]