How Often Do You Read Other Blogs?

This question popped into my mind while I was talking to another blogger friend. We both blog a lot – in fact, she maintains several blogs at the same. However, when we started talking about other blogs that we read, she gave me an almost blank look. Her unspoken question was “Do you really read […]

A Blogger’s Responsibility

One of the greatest things that the Internet has brought to writers is that they had been given the freedom to express themselves, sans the strictures and the censorship that editors can bring them. But there are downsides to this freedom, too. Because anyone can very well say anything to the general public, and a […]

Social Media Shouts to Promote your Blog

It has been established over and over again that the social media is a very useful tool for promoting websites on the internet. One way people like to promote things is by using shouts (called that in Digg called some other thing in other social media sites but you get the idea). The problem though […]

How A-List Bloggers Build Traffic (Off-Blog) for their Blogs

Want to know how to get traffic for your blog? Who better to ask than the top bloggers? And this is what Jonathan Fields did when he asked them to answer this question: “If you had 2-hours a day to devote to no-cost, off-blog (even off-line) marketing for your blog, what would you do?” Wanting […]

Joining Memes: Link Love and Traffic

Memes are one of the easiest and least expensive ways of getting traffic to your blog FAST. Sure paid advertising will get you in the front page of SERPs quickly but you will need to fork out some money each time someone clicks on the ad. Don’t get me wrong. Paid listings are great and […]

More Blog Marketing Ideas

Continuation of Blog Marketing Ideas 4. Join Memes – Blog chockful of memes can be iriitating to some readers but meme communities are usually very large and generate tons of traffic. Memes are also great for fillers especially when you don’t really feel like blogging that day. Of course since memes topics are given the […]