One Point Of View Generates Blog Information

If there is one unique thing about blogging, it is that of sharing views and opinions that will hold relevant and important information for the use of other people. While the usual references such as text books and general media will always be around to provide the basic and collected information from past events, the […]

Learning from Blog Comments and Interaction

Blogging is not mainly a one way stream of blurting out the things that go around in the mind of a person. It is also about inheriting various insights and ideas from another person’s point of view that may or may not share the same belief on certain areas for consideration. Again, most blogs rely […]

Talking on Beta

I’m having fun tweaking my blog in Blogger Beta, but then I wondered if they have the same features offered over at other blogging services. Two things I wanted were keeping track of comments being posted on my blog and also of any posts that link back to mine. Lucky for me, all of the […]

On Comments: To moderate or to not moderate?

a glimpse into how comments are moderated When you have a blog and you have the comments function on, or open for that matter, it cannot be helped that sometimes you get spam or insulting comments from different visitors, most of them you probably don’t even know. Some might even be personal insults or a […]

Commenting on other blogs

There is that saying “No man is an island” and it seems to apply to blogs. A blog could not live on its own. Well, maybe it could, in a way but for how long? That remains to be seen. This is the day and age of conversations and a lot of it is being […]

Health and Safety In the Blogging World

Most people aren’t going to associate blogging with risks to your health and safety. However, every job has ways to damage your body or mind if you aren’t careful and aware, so it’s crucial to take a step back and think about safety in every career, even ones that seem like they’d be completely healthy, […]