Are Link Trains the Chain Letters of the Blogging Age?

You’ve probably seen several versions of a link train meme going around the blogosphere. Whether it’s supposedly optimized for certain web applications (e.g. Alexa version 1 & version 2, Technorati, MyBlogLog, Bloglines) or requires some other qualifier (viraltags, your name in your domain name, tech sites only, feed URLs, Z-listers only!), this method of sharing […]

PRESENCE is the new black

To have the blogger’s mindset is to analyze and think about the best ways to present, initiate and encourage discussion on ideas that may first appear as irrelevant together and not worth thinking over. In the months I started pushing web content, I unconsciously developed a rather anal-retentive process as to which ideas make their […]

Learn How To Link (and Trackback)

Whether you call it the Internet, the Net, the World Wide Web, the Web, CyberSpace, or even the Intarwebs, one thing is clear: this place is composed of several different websites connected through hyperlinks. Without links, we won’t be able to move from one website to another. Since blogging is a subset of the online […]

How To Get Accepted Into Blog Directories

Now that I’ve shown several ways to make yourself found in the blogosphere, let’s take a closer look at one of the avenues by which visitors can reach your site. Blog Directories. Trivia: Yahoo!, one of the biggest search engines, started out as a list of links maintained by its creators called “Jerry and David’s […]

Make Yourself Found! (Or, Promote Your Site Web 2.0-Style)

Blogging is much like a light—it’s meant to be seen and used by others. (I’m not condemning bloggers who prefer their own selves as company, though.) Put another way, you’re a nobody unless your name Googles well, says the Wall Street Journal.

To do this, you must make yourself found.

Blogging on Installments

Blogs were never known to be composed in lengthy proportions. They are tagged more as insights rather than informative reference posts. Bloggers would usually cut them into parts where a certain topic would be focused for some time, usually to help expound on a specific are of interest that would normally not be covered in […]