Blogging with Dedication to Genre

For newbie bloggers, it is best to lay focus first on one blog site before entertaining thoughts of putting up other site of another subject matter. Such an occurrence in the mind of any person would only be normal but chances are, the first blog would be left behind. Developing and building the first blog […]

Being a Blogger by Example

Newbie bloggers do not always have to worry about having to learn from the probloggers today. For one thing, new bloggers are the torch bearers to which future bloggers will make a benchmark. Hence, a blogger is not expected to become a pro overnight. Just like the probloggers today, they too will have to toil […]

On Making Citations from Borrowed Phrases and Words

Most of the ideas that bloggers would use to be able to create essential and sensible blog entries would originate from a past or present article/post. It maybe even something that was mentioned by word of mouth. Information or expounding on certain topics ideally originate from these things and thus due recognition and citations to […]

WordPress Plugin: Sig2Feed

Have you ever experienced those annoying blog spammers and content scrapers? These are basically sites that get the contents off an RSS feed and re-publish it as their own. One way of battling these is by inserting a short signature on each post that your RSS feed publishes, possibly including a short note and link […]

The Cue from Free Blogging Sites

The best way for a person to understand on how to go about the art of blogging is to go over some sites firsthand. Studying the methods and tactics of each blog will somehow build a well-rounded idea on how blogging can become beneficial to people, not only in the financial aspect of earning through […]

Blogger (without the beta)

The beta has been removed from Blogger, and it’s finally feature-complete. That means that not only are the interfaces available in a few other languages (French, Italian, German and Spanish so far), it also means the long-awaited ftp support is finally here. Also all new accounts are not created in Blogger beta. New bloggers can […]